Entries in care2spin (1)
Care to go for a Spin??
Let's get those hoops out, DISHIES for a delish time and a great cause!
MAM'S House of Ice Family is proud to be a part of this wonderful event Care2Spin.
Hula Hoop Houston happen August 28, 2011!
One goal is to raise money and awareness for Easter Seals, of course BUT the other goal is to setthe Guinness World Record(tm) of 3100 simultaneous Hula Hoopers! WOOHOO! That's a whole lotta hooping going on! It's happening at Discovery Green from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.! All funds raised will benefit those who receive free services from Easter Seals Greater Houston.
To set the record 3100 people are needed!
Now here's the kind of a pain in the backside part..but stay with DISH because it's worth it....
You have to register to Taking the Challenge... which will also create a fundraising page. THEN you need to share that page with your friends and ask them to either donate to your page or to Take the Challenge themselves and create their own fundraising page.
Here's why it's worth it...not just for the REALLY FUN Hooping Time...
1 in 5 Houstonians live with a disability. The state budget cuts caused 1 in 6 of these people to LOSE services such as respite care and early childhood intervention. We can make a difference and have fun. the fundraising goal is of $250,000 from the Hula Hoop event!
Get started now! See you AUGUST 28th. The thing that makes it easier is they will do walk up registrations...That's prob how DISH will do it!
See you there, DISHIES!