Entries in beach family (1)
Extreme Weather Won’t Impact Extreme House
By Kimberly Campbell, President, QUEST Business Strategies
Even with an artic blast bringing Texas temperatures to lows not seen in over fifteen years, the construction team and volunteers for an episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition are forging ahead to complete a Bay Area Houston home by Thursday. The frosty conditions that went below twenty degrees caused some of the insulated roofing panels to temporarily freeze and hindered cement from drying, both slowing down the build progress. But the heart of the community remains at full drive, bringing volunteers by the droves to pitch in a helping hand.
The two-story house is taking form, measuring out at a whopping 6,500 square feet. The walls and roof were nearly complete by Monday afternoon, and dozens of windows have been installed. At the construction site, pallets of drywall were ferried indoors to form the various rooms, which include a physical therapy area, family theater, and commercial-grade kitchen.
Meanwhile, the Beach family is in Florida, enjoying a Disneyworld vacation. Stripped of cell phones, computers and all electronic devices, the family only gets construction updates from Ty Pennington, the show’s host. Larry and Melissa Beach were chosen to receive a new home when the show’s producers learned that this amazing family of fifteen was living in a trailer next to their house that was totally gutted last year by Hurricane Ike. Over the years, the Beach’s have fostered 85 children, adopting nine in addition to their four older biological kids.
Larry Beach works for Centerpoint Energy, the local natural gas company. The street where the Beach’s live maintains no gas lines. When an early call went out for donations of new gas appliances, the family realized that they were not selected for the show, as they had only electric capabilities. Unbeknownst to them, gas lines were installed for all area residents, laid by his coworkers under cover in Verizon telephone trucks to keep it all hush-hush. The crew stopped just short of the Beach property, finishing installation once the family was notified of their selection for the show.
With just over two days remaining until the big reveal, monetary donations are still in demand. Monies raised will pay off the family’s original mortgage and set up college scholarships for the children. Please make a donation using the secure Pay Pal system assessable at the homebuilder’s website at www.blushieldsextreme.com/donations. Additionally, all Bay Area Houston residents are encouraged to give the gift of life at area blood drives being held in conjunction with the build. For locations and times, visit http://blushieldsextreme.com/january-8-2010/.