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MudBugs Raise the Most Money for The Women's Home

DISH would like to take a minute to congratulation the Young Professional's Group of The Women's Home on a fantastic event! the numbers are still being processed, but the rough totals are in and DISH is proud to announce that…… They hit our goal! The Saturday, March 29th boil raised $40,470 for The Women’s Home.

Here are a few highlights from this amazing event!! 

·         $26,050 in sponsorships. This is almost double the amount of sponsorships they had in 2013!! Remarkable!

·         Superstar, Cristina Platter sold over $1,000 in Claw Boppers the day of the event! (Claw Boppers are literally claws on a headband and are so cute!!)

·         Kudos also to Jessica St. John, Scott Weaver, the ULR team and everyone who helped secure silent auction items. The silent auction raised $3,500!!

Congrats to a great group and a great event for a great cause!!

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