CitySolve Urban Race Recap
By DISH Contributor Jayme Lamm

Tutus, banana costumes, mass amounts of mardi gras beads and more adorned the racers as they plotted a 10-clue checkpoint race equipped with stunts, scavenger hunts and bar-b-que sauce. CitySolve comes to Houston once a year (along with many other cities on the map) to allow participants to buzz around the city (using only their own two feet, Go Rev electric cars, or the METRO (bus or lightrail) to methodically check off clues and mandatory stops before heading back to Little Woodrow's to cross the finish line.
The teams compete for pride, bragging rights of course, a couple hundred bucks cash, the first team back to the cold beer and a chance to compete in the finals in VIVA LAS VEGAS on November 5th.
The questions are tougher than you might think. Here are a few examples from this years race:
Clue 4. Home sweet home...
Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't live here, but the character he portrayed in a movie once did. This residence in question is located on The University of St. Thomas.
Here's the synopsis of the flick: The film centers on the main character's life from the late 1920's to 1947, during which time he became a successful film producer and an aviation magnate while simultaneously growing more unstable due to severe OCD.
Clue 9. Cowabunga, dude!
On Westheimer Rd is an eatery whose name is the same as the hero in the half shell (included a picture of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle)
BONUS - Take 2 minutes off for showing your best ninja move in this picture. Ninja pose MUST be a jumping move. Only 1 teammate must be jumping, but it's more fun when everyone is jumping!
(photo attached of Ninja Move by Hogan's Heroes)
Clue 10. Lookin' sharp and lookin' for love.
ZZ Top would probably enjoy both services offered at this split-function establishment off of Market Square Park.
BONUS CLUE 2. Knick-knacks, trinkets, and more...
In honor of today's charity, Wish Upon A Wedding, you must take a picture of up to 5 signs with the word wish

Clue 4. Home sweet home...
Hugh's House on the campus of St. Thomas
Clue 9. Cowabunga, dude!
Michaelangelo's (307 Westheimer Rd.)
Clue 10. Lookin' sharp and lookin' for love.
Char Bar (305 Travis St.)
note - everyone got this clue wrong except for a handful of folks. Tree Beards also happens to be located in Market Square Park - get it... ZZ Top and beards?!?! That was a trick question CitySolve!
Needless to say everyone had an amazing time and loads of money was raised for a great cause! See??? Giving back doesn't have to be stuffy! Dallas (April 2) , Austin (April 23) , and San Antonio (October 8) are still coming uup later this year so get your costumes ready and hit the road! DISH will see you there!
Posted on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 01:09PM
in Dish, Dish-houston, citysolve, dishhouston, houston, urban race
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