25th Anniversary Gala Remembers and Honors The Rose
November 10th was a special night for The Rose Charity! The Rose celebrated its 25-year history by honoring specific individuals and companies who helped it succeed through challenging times and against some long odds. Now the leading non-profit breast cancer diagnostic organization in Southeast Texas, The Rose has grown from a donated mammography imaging system and less than 900 square feet of space to two state-of-the-art spa-like facilities, two mobile mammography units serving 200+ sites in 15-counties, 90 staff members, and a client base that spans most of Texas.
Houston Rocket Jordan Hill, CEO and Co-founder of The Rose, Dorothy GibbonsWith more than 500 seats sold, the ballroom at the Houston Marriott South was filled with supporters, survivors, donors, corporate sponsors and long-time volunteers, praising The Rose for 25 years of life-saving accomplishments. After a greeting from Silver Rose Gala Honorary Chairs Judge Ed Emmett and Mrs. Gwen Emmett, the evening continued on a lively note emceed by KPRC Local 2 meteorologist, Khambrel Marshall. Also present to help The Rose celebrate were newly elected Houston City Council Member, Ellen Cohen; and Houston professional basketball player, Jordan Hill.
Recognized for Outstanding Community Support of The Rose were Connie Yates, Director of Public Affairs and Governmental Relations for Randalls Food Market; Casa Olé; Alden Clark, owner of SoK Salon, and media honoree KPRC Local 2. Eileen Campbell, Vice President of Public Policy for Marathon Oil Corporation, received the Dorothy Gibbon Founder’s Award for Community Service. Oncologist Dr. Mohamed M. Haq was awarded with the Dr. Dixie Melillo Founder’s Award for Physician Service. Survivor Vicky Reynolds was recognized with The Rose Ambassador Award; while volunteer Helen Perry was surprised with the Inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award.
The Rose also received a surprise when Connie Yates presented the organization with a $225,000 donation from Randalls’ October Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign, co-sponsored by KPRC. This generous gift was an added bonus to the over $275,000 in gross proceeds generated by the Gala.
The evening concluded with a bittersweet tribute to breast cancer survivors and victims of the disease as past and present patients of The Rose met on stage and were lovingly showered with fresh rose petals. The event was a tribute not only to persons confronting breast cancer but also to the individuals and organizations that support The Rose’s efforts to reduce deaths by offering access to early detection and navigation to treatment regardless of a person’s ability to pay.
For more information on The Rose, its mission and services, visit www.TheRose.org, see us on Facebook, or check out our blog at www.therosehouston.blogspot.com.
Dorothy Gibbons, CEO and Co-founder of The Rose; Vicky Reynolds, The Rose Ambassador Award winner; Dr. Dixie Mellilo, Co-founder of The Rose; Myrleen Knott, Chairman of the Board, The Rose.

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