DePelchin Membership Drive
Hey DISHIES! It's good cause time!
Tonight at Beavers there is a complimentary appetizer and drink special opportunity all to support a great cause!
$2 & $3 beer specials (Free for members, DISH will become a member because FREE is our favorite price!)
$10 donation for non-members is requested. BUT the 10 bucks will be deducted from membership dues if you sign up before the next event! So it's all good! It's all happening between 5:30 and 7:30 pm
Friends of DePelchin is a group of young professionals committed to supporting DePelchin’s mission through community awareness, philanthropy and volunteerism.
The funds raised by Friends of DePelchin, through membership and events will directly support the core programs and services at DePelchin Children’s Center.
DePelchin has a very warm place in DISH'S heart because The DISH Daddy was adopted from there! It's a wonderful place and they do great things for great kids!
Come join us today to see how you can help! =)

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