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Bone Marrow Drive This Sunday!

One of Houston's most recognised and beloved people is having some trouble and there is nothing more rewarding on the planet than the  ability to help another human being. Here is your change DISHES!!!

There is a Bone Marrow drive Sunday in honor of MICHAEL WIESENTHAL, owner of Harolds in the Heights.

It's going on THIS SUNDAY May 17th from  1 to 5 p.m at Congregation Beth Yeshurun - Mandel Weiner Auditorium 4525 Beechnut, Houston, TX 77096

 It's such an easy test! A simple swab of your mouth will determine your potential to be Michael's Miracle.

Michael Wiesenthal was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML). a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow, in January of 2008. At the moment of his diagnosis, he was placed in the hospital, under isolation, in order to begin what would be the first of many agonizing and intense chemotherapy treatments. Treatments kept Michael in the hospital, apart from his wife, Shelley, and children Alexandra and Jared, for weeks and months at a time. After a brief remission, the leukemia returned, and now, Michael's team of doctors has deemed a Bone Marrow Transplant essential to his remission. Unfortunately, Michael's siblings, his most likely candidates, did not test positive as his MATCH. Now Michael must lean on our compassionate and caring community. The more tissue samples we can amass, the more likely Michael is to find his MATCH, his MIRACLE.



**The estimated cost for processing 1 swab kit is $100. Donations to offset the cost are greatly appreciated.


For more information contact Elisha Selzer at llddss@aol.com

DISH will be there....will you?

Posted on Saturday, May 16, 2009 at 11:20AM by Registered CommenterDISHhouston | CommentsPost a Comment

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