Yellow Cab Gets a Gold Star
THanksgiving is so much more than the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, football....Gig 'Em Aggies....and stuffing yourself silly. It's actually about giving thanks for the blessings in your life. Yellow Cab of Houston is showing their gratitude by giving back. About fifty independent contractor drivers from Houston’s largest taxicab fleet will give up their Thanksgiving morning to transport over 125 homeless women and children from Star of Hope’s Transitional Living Center to the downtown Hard Rock Café.
“These Yellow Cab drivers are tremendously important to The Star of Hope Mission, to our clients, and to the community at-large,” said Mike Spears, Marketing Director of Yellow Cab. “Our volunteer drivers really make a difference and they have the opportunity to experience the joy and satisfaction of providing a valuable service in their own community on Thanksgiving Day.”
One of DISH'S favortie people in the world, Marilyn Fountain, Star of Hope’s Community Relations Manager likes the idea as well.
“This is such an exciting opportunity to bring the heart of Thanksgiving to our clients. And now it seems to be becoming a tradition – our Second Annual Yellow Roads of Texas.” she said.
Make sure to take the time to focus on your blessings....real ones not your newest labeled shoes....and tell those that made a difference in your life hwo much you appreciate them.
Many Blessings on this Thanksgiving to you DISHIES!

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