Part of living the DISH lifestyle is taking care of yourself! Here on the Health DISH you will find great diet tips, the latest on fun workouts, yoga and running workshops and so much more!
Entries in mike winters (2)
My Death and Knowledge of my Life
So many people asked what was going on in my head when was offered and took the Bikram Yoga 60 Day Challenge. I was honest with them when I said NOTHING! I had not worked out in over a year between running the two magazines, the Media Company and taking care of my 17 paraplegic pup my brain was on overload. With the hiring of a sales person and losing the pup around 3 months ago (most sever heartbreak I've ever dealth with to date) I decided it was time to take care of me again. Enter Bikram. Thanks to a friend and Marketing guru Gabe CanalesI heard Bikram Choudhury was going to be in town giving a lecture at Rice University. I went, met Bikram himself, listened intently and was intrigued. To round out the story I met with the owner of the local Bikram studios, Mike Winters. Mike and I really bonded over the history of being runners but more over it was his peace, strength and knowledge that inspired me to take the 60 day challenge. I agreed to write a weekly story about my journey. My journey is already so much more than I ever anticipated it to be. Of course, the first day was awful and amazing all at the same time. I had to get used to the atmosphere of the room...105 Degrees and 40% humidity...before I could really participate much in the class. What's great is the teachers (all of whom take a good year in school and practice before being able to teach) are encouraging even if you have to rest, and thank GOD you can rest any time you need to. That first day while I was lying there on my back begging to gain oxygen while everyone else was balancing on one toe the first thought finally ran though my head about this whole deal, "What in the heck have I gotten myself into?" During the second half hour while i was lying there on my back begging to just get through the next half hour a second thought came in to my meek little brain..what was left of it at that point..."I just might die in here, I wonder if they know how to turn on my phone and to call my Mommy." During the 3rd half hour...thank God we are all on the floor for the floor series so I am not as noticeable the last thought pops into my skull, "Oh wait, they don't have to turn my phone on because I actually put Mom down as my next of kin."
The best news here is that I did not in fact die physically however I did very much so in character. Yes Bikram is a physical challenge. My body is working very hard everyday to get through the classes and to perform the postures to the best of my ability. But it's the mental and emotional challenge that is the most inspiring and that keeps me coming back to my challenge every day. The mental strength it takes to go into that hot room for 90 minutes everyday and challenge your body is beautiful. I am proud of myself everyday. My self awareness is growing, my self confidence is increasing, and I'm gaining more and more physical strength everyday.
When I sat with Mike after my first week we bonded again over my experience and how my first week was so similar to his so many years ago. I wish there were words to describe how much this Bikram Hot Yoga thing is changing every aspect of my life but honestly there just aren't any. It's an experience you MUST have on your own and I challenge you, no matter what shape you are in, to give yourself this gift. It will absolutely change your life!
CLICK HERE to start your challenge!
Next update will be in 7 days!
See you then!

The Bikram Challange
When you first lay eyes upon Bikran Choudhury, Yogi Guru is not the first thing that comes to mind. He's flashy to say the least. When we met he was wearing a white satin double breasted suit, a hat with his hair in a pony-tail and a watch that was so chocked full of diamonds he could not see the hads to tell anyone what time it was. None of this has taken away his passion for fixing the human body like a master mechanic. He always says
“If you follow my instruction and do my yoga postures Sequence to the best of your ability, you will live a better, healthier and more peaceful life.”
Therefore after being inspired by his lecture at Rice University I decided to take up the Bikram Challenge which is taking the class every day for 60 days. Both Choudhury and Mike Winter, the man who brought Bikram Yoga to Texas in the 90's. Mike was a runner and practiced yoga for 13 years when Bikram came into his life. Bikram is very particular about who he lets teach the practice he invented even saying it doesn't matter if you can do all of the positions perfectly, if you don't have a good heart he won't work with you.
The claims are that if you do Bikram Hot Yoga for 60 days then your depression, blood pressure, insomnia, back and so many other health problems will be alleviated.
DISH will keep a weekly record and touch base with teacher/studio owner Mike Winters over the next 60 days to report on how this goes. We will start on Monday November 1st. Issues DISH is looking to deal with :back and hip problems, some depression, sleep issues and FLAB! all over and in general FLAB!
Keep in mind, All Bikram Yoga is Hot Yoga but not all hot yoga is Bikram Yoga so make sure you go to a BIKRAM studio. CLICK HERE for Houston Studios.