The Nanny Takes on DC!
Photo credit - Fran w/ Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) & Congresswoman Jac Schawkowsky (D-IL)What an exciting few weeks! I just returned home from a great trip to D.C., where I went to support the introduction of the Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010. Can you believe 1 in 5 personal care products contain chemicals linked to cancer? If the bill is passed, the FDA will oversee the ingredients used in cosmetic and personal care products. What we put ON our bodies is just as important as what we put IN them, so let your elected officials know that getting harmful chemicals out of your daily products is important to you!
I also had the chance to participate in a web chat with Kathleen Sebelius, Health and Human Services Secretary, and Donna Norton, National Director of MomsRising where we discussed healthcare and preventative services for women and families. Both are fabulous women on a mission to ensure we have the resources we need to keep ourselves healthy. If you missed it, check out the video here.
And that's not all! This month, Cancer Schmancer and I also played a vital role in passing a bill in California to ban the hormone disrupting chemical, BPA, from baby bottles, containers and sippy cups. (BPA has been banned from baby bottles in NY, and outright banned in Maryland, France and Australia.) A chemical associated with so many health conditions should never be present in children's products!
My friends, we stand at a crossroads where a safer, healthier U.S. is only steps away. I thank you for all your support and urge you to stay in the know through Twitter,, and/or our RSS feed.
All my love,
P.S. Thank you, thank you so much for submitting your reviews of Cancer Schmancer. We were named one of the Top-Rated Health Nonprofits by GreatNonprofits! Yahoo!

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