This is a page dedicated to what makes the DISH world go 'round...Kaisur, Lucky and Heidi (who passed in 2010). If you're wondering where to get organic dog food, what the best doggie day care is, what vet really goes overboard or about the closest dog park, this page is for you! BARK!
Entries in aspca (1)
CAP is in HEAT!! For $100k
Citizens for Animal Protection (CAP) is one of 95 organizations nation-wide competing in the ASPCA $100,000.00 Shelter Challenge. To qualify CAP needs your vote. Beginning April 4th through April 15th visit CAP’s website and click on the VOTE button. VOTE DAILY!
The ASPCA $100K Challenge is about saving lives. On April 18th 50 Shelters with the most votes from the qualifyig heat will be announced as the official contestants in the 2011 Challenge.
The 50 winning shelters will then compete August 1st through October 31st to saving at least 300 more cats, dogs, kittens and puppies.
The shelter that saves the most additional lives out of all contestants wins $100,000. The shelter that saves the most additional lives in each region of the U.S. wins $20,000. The shelter doing the most to engage the community support wins $25,000.
Winner shelters will be announced on or around December 1, 2011.
DISH saved our beloved Kaisur from CAP and thanks to them we have the most amazing animal we've ever known! A shelter pet is one that will love you more deeply than any other AND you've saved a life!
About Citizens for Animal Protection
CITIZENS FOR ANIMAL PROTECTION, a non-profit service organization, has served pets and people in Greater Houston for over 38 years. Since 1972, CAP, a National winner of the PetSmart Charities Humane Award of Excellence, has sheltered and cared for over 435,000 orphaned, neglected and abandoned animals. CAP has been awarded a 4-Star rating for sound fiscal management with for the 9th consecutive year. Only 1% of the charities rated nationwide have achieved this exceptional distinction.