This is a page dedicated to what makes the DISH world go 'round...Kaisur, Lucky and Heidi (who passed in 2010). If you're wondering where to get organic dog food, what the best doggie day care is, what vet really goes overboard or about the closest dog park, this page is for you! BARK!
Entries in arts & crafts (1)
Peace, Love and Dogs
As you well know DISH is in AWE of our DOGGIE Trainer Stephanie Bennett! She's the best of the best and even a slew of celebrities who's dogs she trained agree with me!
Here's the really great news!!! She's opening a DOGGIE DAY CARE!!!! WOOOHOOO!
This will no doubt be the best available in the city or surrounding areas! This is MAJOR!!
Here is the note we got today!
"After almost a year of preparation, planning, and building, we are very, very close to opening! We could not be more excited and pleased with our beautiful building and all of the wonderful programs we are developing all for the love of dog. Our half-acre dog park and huge state of the art daycare floors are to die for! We will be moving into the offices next week and then we will begin planning and scheduling for daycare. Our goal is to have large dog and small dog daycare available by the last week of June. As we establish ourselves, get comfortable in our space, and get into the daycare and training groove, we will follow up with Puppy Preschool, Tiny Dog Zen Den, Arts & Crafts, Day Training, Group Classes, and lots more!
As always, private training is ongoing and available now. Daycare registration has begun and the response has been tremendous!
If you are interested in daycare and have not faxed in your daycare registration paperwork, please do so as soon as possible. You can also scan the forms and email them to me. Hopefully, we will have eforms available on the website sooner than later!
To register for daycare, please visit our Contact Us page on our website. Please note that we need 4 items sent to us:
- New Client Form
- Temperament Test Form
- Emergency Care Form
- Vaccination Records
If you have already sent in your paperwork, please be sure that you have included all 4 items. The Emergency Care Form and Vaccination Records are recently added items.
Please remember that because we are a training/activity based daycare, reservations must be made. We will not offer drop-in service. Also, because our daycare groups will be limited to 10-15 dogs (depending on the group), we will fill up quickly. All approved dogs are required to participate in Dog Daycare a minimum of once per week for the length of their enrollment. Dogs must come on the same day each week so that they can get to know their doggie friends and the pack can achieve a good comfort level.
Please visit our website for Daycare Requirements and Rates. "
Kaisur the DISH Dog will be there!