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Entries in health dish (1)
Cari Shoemate
Cari has over 10 years of fitness experience with certifications in personal training, group fitness and yoga. Her specialties are diverse and include marathon training, bootcamps, boxing and yoga. She spends her time training professional athletes, the Rockets Power Dancers and teaching corporate fitness to many companies in the oil and gas industry. Cari brings a little of her Texas charm to all of her workouts while making sure you break a sweat! But, proper form and alignment is important to her and it shows. She has starred in many fitness and yoga videos, has a popular blog and is regularly featured on tv as one of the top fitness experts in Texas.
You can work out with her in the comfort of your own home right now on the On DEMAND channel of your local cable provider under Exercise TV!
For more information on Cari Click HERE or read the dish!