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Entries in cindi rose (1)

Cindi Harwood Rose

Cindi Harwood Rose has lived the life she writes about.  A former artist for Walt Disney, Cindi is ranked no. 1 in the world for her silhouette art, an art she discovered she could do as a teenager. She graduated Unviersity of Texas in fine art and journalism, and has worn many hats; a writer for over 17 different publications, a prior entertainment agency owner,  a stage and on-camera talent, a former television exercise hostess, mother of two grown children-- Erica and Benjamin-- a philantropist,  owner of Utopia MedSpa in Uptown Park, a certified Greenbeauty expert,  wife of surgeon, Franklin Rose, a gourmet cook, and director of the Rose Ribbon Foundation 501 (c) 3, which offers free post reconstruction to the uninsured after cancer. Rose slips in and out of advice and tips from how to plan the perfect party, raise caring priveledged children, do fund-raising, make home skin-care,  to how to re-create your wardrobe.

Posted on Sunday, October 25, 2009 at 08:10PM by Registered CommenterDISHhouston in , , , , , | CommentsPost a Comment