No Trick Here! Halloween Treats under 100 Calories!
When Halloween rolls around each year, the day brings joy to kids everywhere but may strike fear into the hearts of some more grown-up participants! We're talking about the treats part of the day! Talking about candy here, or more importantly the bad things candy can do to your teeth, your waistline, and your overall health. No need to fear trick-or-treating this year, because DISH is here with the guide to the best goodies to keep stocked in your bowl — some of which are even good for your beauty and health!
Let's start with what you can buy at the store that won't make a mess in the kitchen!
* 2 Mini Size Reese's Cups: 80 calories 5 g fat 10 g sugars (DISH'S FAV!!!)
* 2 Mini Size Snickers Bars: 90 calories 4 g fat 12 g sugars
* 10 Whoppers (Malted Milk Balls): 100 calories 4 g fat 14 g sugars
* 11 Pieces of Candy Corn: 70 calories 0 g fat 14 g sugars
* 1 Fun Size Package of M & M's: 100 calories 4.5 g fat 13 g sugars
Dark Chocolate: Flavonols (the specific flavanoid in dark chocolate) are antioxidants that help your skin protect itself from UV damage that leads to wrinkles, fight free radicals that cause sun spots, and increase blood flow for glowing, dewy skin. Just remember that only dark chocolate has these health and beauty benefits, not milk chocolate. When shopping for Halloween candy this year, get dark chocolate options in place of milk or white whenever possible. Three small pieces of good dark chocolate will only total about 24 calories and zero grams of fat, while three milk chocolate Hershey's kisses = 78 calories and 4.5 grams of fat.
Dark Chocolate-Covered Pretzels: Dark chocolate is very high in flavonoids, a type of antioxidant, which protects arteries while helping the body maintain a healthy blood pressure. A little bit of dark chocolate each day can actually lower your blood pressure and reduce risk of heart disease. The cocoa in dark chocolate can also lower stress hormones, meaning less collagen breakdown in the skin and fewer wrinkles. Plus dark chocolate-covered pretzels are great for your salty and sweet cravings! Just be careful: only six pretzels in and you're already at 100 calories and 5 grams of fat.
Hard Candy: Three pieces of hard candy like peppermints or butterscotches are only 50 calories, and have no fat. Enjoying a small piece is a great way to get a little sugar if you're craving it, without overdoing it. Mix different variaties in your trick-or-treat bowl to keep it diverse so you don't crave something else. And be sure not to give these to extra little trick-or-treaters, as the small hard shape can be a choking hazard.
Trail Mix: Kids may grumble at the sight of trail mix instead of a Reese's peanut butter cup, but we think this snack is the perfect grown-up candy option. Look for ones with dark chocolate chips for antioxidants, dried fruit for vitamins, and healthy nuts for oils and omega-3 fatty acids that aid your skin, hair, and digestion. Make your own using the bulk bins at stores like Whole Foods for the perfect vitamin-packed beauty cocktail (Leave out the dried fruit to save on the sugars). Our favorite ingredients? Goji berries (their fiber helps aid weight loss, and B vitamins and antioxidants help fight free radicals that cause skin damage), raw pecans, almonds, cashews, walnuts (antioxidants, vitamin A, B, E, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, fiber, beautifying fats, energizing, help hair, skin, and nails), coconut flakes (healthy fat and oil that keeps skin supple), and of course, dark chocolate.
A DISH all time favorite is Popcorn Balls!!! They're easy to make, the whole family can get in on the action, everyone loves them AND they are under 100 calories so you don't feel guilty feeding them to people!
Popcorn balls: Popcorn is a whole grain, and a great snack. Popcorn balls, made by adding sugar, marshmallows, and/or corn syrup to popcorn, are delicious but should be eaten sparingly. Each ball has about 100 calories and one gram of fat. A great idea is to make them yourself, so you can control the amount of sugar and oil in your treat. You can also add healthy additions like dark chocolate or nuts. They are super easy and fun to make, and a real crowd-pleaser. You can even look for a vegan recipe online, and your little monsters won't even know the difference!
In a saucepan over medium heat, combine the corn syrup, margarine, cold water, confectioners' sugar and marshmallows. Heat and stir until the mixture comes to a boil. Carefully combine the hot mixture with the popcorn, coating each kernel.
Grease hands with vegetable shortening and quickly shape the coated popcorn into balls before it cools. Wrap with cellophane or plastic wrap and store at room temperature.

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