Oh Tony! At Christmas??
Forget the Holiday spirit, apparently even the spirit master was asked...ever so unceremoniously, to leave Tony's. One of Houston's most exclusive restaurants is apparently not beyond a shake up and proved it by the recent firings of the Exec Chef and Sommelier!
When a member of the news media called for comment regarding the firing of the Exec Chef, Tony Vallone's only response was to ask why the story was considered news worthy. He did add that things ended between them in a positive and friendly manner. The chef could not be reached for comment.
Vallone also fired sommelier Jonathan Honefenger after a disagreement over the wine inventory and the young man's passion for his job. Honefenger said the restaurant's general manager called him on his day off to give him the news. Classy! Nothing like a face to face conversation!
Honefenger defended his work ethic and love of his work! He was named one of 2009's best young sommeliers in Wine & Spirits magazine, and won a third place at the Texas Sommelier Conference's best sommelier competition this summer.
Here's to hoping the best and good things for these wonderful and talented folks....especially during this Holiday season.....Tony, SHAME ON YOU!

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