Part of living the DISH lifestyle is taking care of yourself! Here on the Health DISH you will find great diet tips, the latest on fun workouts, yoga and running workshops and so much more!


Entries in dish (35)

I'm Putting WHAT on my Baby??

By DISH Contributer: Chelle Northcutt

“I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!”

That was my very intense reaction when my friend and business partner Rachael told me about the story she saw on the local ABC affiliate the other day.  The story was all about the toxics in baby products.  Yes, that includes the lavender scented baby wash we all love to use on the soft little heads of our newborn babies.

I haven’t been paying very close attention to toxic products in our household for very long.  Having children and a husband with a horrible genetic illness has changed my outlook, so I’ve recently started doing some research and the information is astounding. 

Turns out, ALL of that stuff we spend out hard earned money on so we can give our babies the very best, may actually be the very worst.

I searched the tv station’s website and couldn’t find the actual story, however, I found a similar one from February 2008 from the Associated Press and it was an entire 2 page article!  Turns out, a study in the February issue of the Journal of Pediatrics shows elevated levels of phthalates in the urine of babies who’d been recently shampooed, powdered or lotioned with baby products.  In case you’re not familiar with phthalates, they are chemicals used to stabilize fragrances and make plastics flexible. 

Mind you, phthalates aren’t required to be on product labels.  In all fairness, Stephanie Kwisnek of the Food and Drug Administration says they have “no compelling evidence that phthalates pose a safety risk when used in cosmetics.  Should new data emerge, we will inform the public as well as the industry.”

Of course, that’s the same FDA that is now recalling all kinds of drugs that they now say are harmful, after approving them for public consumption.  But now is not the time for my soapbox.

With all this information in hand I was more than a little curious.  So I pulled my own baby shampoo off the shelf.  One of the first ingredients is something I had never heard of before.  It’s called Quaternium-15.  Qua-what??

Quaternium-15.  If you’ve never heard of it, you’re not alone.  Most of us haven’t until we start looking more closely at the ingredients in most of our products.  So I looked it up on the internet.

According to Wikepedia, Quaternium-15 is “used as a preservative in many cosmetics and industrial substances.  It acts as a formaldehyde releaser.”

Hmm.  That doesn’t exactly sound healthy or safe.  But that’s not the end of the definition.

“It can cause contact dermatitis, a symptom of an allergic reaction, especially in those with sensitive skin, on an infant’s skin, or on sensitive areas such as the genitals.”


But like the little researcher I am, I continued on.

Search: “Side effects of Quaternium-15”

Pages of information came up.  But the most interesting by far was on Allergies.  Found lots of info there!  And apparently, baby products aren’t the only products with Quaternium-15 in it.  

The article states, “Mascara also can cause dermatitis, either from formaldehyde/quaternium-15 or from the nickel present in the applicator device.” (Eyelid Rash: Causes of Eyelid Rashes and Allergies, by Daniel More, MD, Guide, Updated January 20, 2010)

But that’s not all.  My search also brought up the book, “Side Effects of Drugs Annual 27” by J.K Aronson, (2004, Elsevier B.V.).  It states that over a 10-year study, there were “several cases of contact allergy to formaldehyde…”  In fact, in the same paragraph, it states the frequency of positive reactions has increased from 0.7% to 3.5% from 1991-2000.

Now, I’m not going to pretend the scientific terms make a whole lot of sense to me.  But I think it’s pretty clear that this stuff isn’t exactly the safest product to be using.  So what do we do? 

Back to that Associated Press report.

They quoted a 2005 CDC report that states, “Although several studies in people have explored possible associations with developmental and reproductive outcomes,…more research is needed.”

Well, while you do the research, CDC, I’ll go find some safer alternatives to use now.  I’m willing to bet most of them can only be found on the internet.  But I’ll take my chances.

In the meantime, thank you, local ABC affiliate, for bringing the information to us! Even if it just made me do more research. 

Now I’m off to shop on the internet…….

To Stink or Not to Stink

For many years there has been debate over whether aluminum has negative effects on the human body. There have been studies that have lead to conclusive proofthat there are links to aluminum and breast cancer and Alzheimer's. The more we studied the more we realised it's EVERYWHERE! In cookware, in water, and in our antiperspirant. For a small experiment we as DISH decided to see if it made a difference to try to cut aluminum out of our daily lives. A small experiment mind you means we aren't giving up water or buying new cookware but we did change our deodorant. If you look at the ingredients on your deodorant you will see the active ingredient...the one that makes it aluminum! If you put something on your skin it will be absorbed into your bloodstream so we decided to try out alternative ...READ: aluminum free... deodorants and antiperspirants. The two alternates we used here at the DISH office were Crystal Body Deodorant and Tom's of Maine Long Lasting Stick, Lavender scented.

After a few months, some cold days some warm, workouts and lounge days we all discovered this: It stinks to stink and using alternative methods may make you feel better emotionally or mentally better but physically...WE STINK STANK STUNK! (with a small lavender overtone that went away QUICKLY!)

Conclusion: On cold days these natural alternatives are fine but here in Texas where those days are few and far between the aluminum way is the way to go unless you want to stand down wind from all of your friends which is too much effort for us.



AIDS Vaccine???

A breakthrough in the fight against AIDS!

For the first time, an experimental vaccine has prevented infection with the AIDS virus, a watershed event in the deadly epidemic and a surprising result. Recent failures led many scientists to think such a vaccine might never be possible.

This is the best news!!! Let's pray together that this comes to life sooner rather than later!

Posted on Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 02:52PM by Registered CommenterDISHhouston in , , , , , | CommentsPost a Comment

Back From DC - Fran Drescher

Here is the latest entry from Fran Descher from her Cancer Schmancer Blog that she is sharing with DISH!

                We just got back from DC on Sunday night, where we had wonderful success in getting support to begin new initiatives on two fronts. One will be to replace the archaic manual pelvic with the more state of the art and effective transvaginal ultrasound. The other initiative will be to create an industry standard for women’s beauty products and, in so doing, eliminate the carcinogens presently found in many formulas. We are also working with the state of California to make the transvaginal ultrasound mandate and become the first state in the US to do so.

It hasn’t been two days since my return from Capitol Hill and I’ve already received this lovely letter from my dear new friend, Joel Segal.


Be Well,

Franny D


Greetings my new friend! I look forward to working with you to save lives. Your passion, warmth, humor, brilliant mind and sincerity are amazing, infectious, and just blew me away! This will translate into success in Congress, because believe me, you are very skilled on so many levels, we will make this happen. And, I will never forget how you just loved those kids in the halls that recognized you, and made them feel so welcomed into your world.....very cool! I just wish more people who have achieved your level of success could be as real, down to earth, and hip as you are!! Very rare, very rare indeed!!

I can relate from my heart about living through illnesses and disabilities; I have lived with sleep apnea my entire life, so I know about pain, struggle, joy, surgeries, and overcoming a life-threatening nightmare. You have survived cancer, and I can tell from your warm energy that you may have been transformed from this experience, or just became an even more wonderful and loving person then you were before. I am writing a book, (but it is talking a long time) with the help of the Stanford Sleep Center entitled a "Patient's Handbook On Surviving Sleep Apnea & Insomnia." I want to teach others about how to survive the illness, get the right medical help, and also survive the deep psychological depression and anxiety that emanate from being sleep deprived.

I know that with your leadership, and with the growing Cancer Schmancer Movement, the Congress will pass legislation to help women struggling to access preventive health screens, check ups, and on going quality health care due to the very serious problems with private health insurance. With the numerous contacts you have already made in Congress among Members and staff, I feel confident that you are going to get some legislation passed!

All my best,

Joel Segal
Senior Legislative Assistant on Health Issues
U.S. Congress


Cancer Schmancer Should Win Awards!!!

Great NonProfits Contest
Cancer Fighters 2009

Great NonProfits is hosting a contest to find the top-rated cancer fighting nonprofits around the country, and baby we want to be on top! Help Cancer Schmancer make even more of a difference to the cancer community by writing a review of your experience with us. You'll even be entered to win some awesome wellness prizes! It takes just 3 minutes (less than the wait time for your morning latte!) So what are ya waiting for? Log on and help Cancer Schmancer grab the 2009 Cancer Fighters Award! (Deadline July 31!)

Previous 5 Entries | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7