Great News!!! There is something fun for you to do!
Peter Brown's Official Headquarter Grand Opening Party is today from 1-4 pm. Peter's hosting a block party outside the offices (don't worry they have shade) with food, drinks, and fun! Bring family and friends to meet the staff, talk with other supporters, party with Peter and gear up for an exciting campaign!
T-shirts and yard signs will be available!
The best part is that it's DISH'S favorite price.......Cost: FREE!!
Facebook Invite:
RSVP: m.copeterbrownformayor@rsvp
And remember DISHIES...even if you aren't a fan of Peter's, just inform yourself and make sure that your vote counts! Know your politicians, know their desires for YOUR city! Know their perceptive on the issues and the platforms that are important to you! YOU count!!
Remember...elections are about YOU...not them!