Happy Food Allergy Awareness Week! 
Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 04:16PM

Today 12 million in the U.S. have a food allergy which is 1 in every 25 people. Food allergiesare serious business and can be life threatening. DISH is a HUGE supporter of FAAN – The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network and also a sponsor of the FAAN Walk for Food Allergy. Yesterday, DISHIES Mike Lade and Dominique Sachse were at the Houstonian along with nutritionist Catherine Kruppa, and membership director Colleen Kennedy doing a food allergy forum for their members.

The FAAN support group in Houston , SAFER, is doing another Food Allergy Awareness Forum that is open to the public on Saturday, May 16th at The Health Museum. Come early to enjoy the Museum and be sure to be there for the 2:00 pm session that will be led by Dr. Juan Zambrano. There will be something for everyone, whether you have a food allergy, are a new parent, or just want to learn more about the subject. For more information visit www.saferhouston.com and click on the events page.

Last but not least... mark your calendar now for the 2009 FAAN Walk for Food Allergy in Sam Houston Park on Saturday, September 12, 2009. Click on the FAAN logo or visit  to register. Registration is free and the walk is a family friendly 2.5 miles. Plan to come and walk with DISH!


Article originally appeared on Dish-Houston (http://dish-houston.squarespace.com/).
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